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Can’t demand polls until new constitution drafted, Farhad Mazhar to BNP

Writer and poet Farhad Mazhar called on BNP leaders to exercise patience, stressing that demands for elections cannot be made until a new constitution is formulated.
“Until the constitution outlining how a political party will participate in elections is established, demands for elections cannot be made,” said Farhad during a seminar at the Jatiya Press Club yesterday.
“BNP has already come to power. They are among the people. The party cannot be brought forward. First, the state must be organised,”said Farhad.
“No fight took place for the current constitution. The fight was to overthrow the constitution. The government must be given time until the intentions of those who were martyred are documented.
“The field must be held until a new constitution is drafted,” he added.
Criticising the BNP’s decision to hold a rally immediately after the recent mass uprising, he added, “It sent the wrong message. Why did you demand elections within three months? What was the purpose?”
Expressing concern over the BNP, he said, “There should be no division within the party. There are two factions within the BNP. One supports this government, and the other is causing disturbances.
Farhad further said, “The BNP could not stop this fascist government. They were behind the students. The students have shown gratitude for that, but misleading messages from London will harm the youth.
“Efforts are still being made to implement Sheikh Hasina’s constitution. Yunus must be recognised as the head of the people and as president. He was elected through a mass uprising,” he said.
“Those who participated in this revolution will form a national council. The BNP will also be present there. A new constitution will be drafted there. The BNP’s primary responsibility is to fully support the process until the new constitution is established.” he added.
